
About Me

I assist clients in managing their wealth against the backdrop of a complex legislative environment and dynamic financial markets.

Taking the time to get a deep understanding of my client’s objectives, I provide tailored solutions to assist my clients in achieving their financial goals.
I specialise in the following areas:

• Retirement planning
• Complex asset structures
• Superannuation
• Direct share, listed securities, Managed funds
• Self-Managed Superannuation

I have over 20 years of financial and investment experience, gained through working for some of the world’s leading investment banks and financial institutions.

One constant in financial markets is change and I have advised my clients through some of the most challenging market conditions of our time.

My clients entrust me with managing their wealth and this is a privilege that I take seriously. I offer an uncompromising level of service where commitment and performance go hand in hand.

My core values are:
Client Focused
• I am committed to acting in the client’s best interests and align all aspects of our organisation to ensure this.
• I am dependable and believe that all our clients deserve high quality service.
• I have a conservative culture and endeavour to maximise value whilst taking steps to minimise risks.

• I believe integrity is the foundation of our individual and corporate actions that drives an organisation of which we are proud.
• I am consistent and honour our commitments.
• I am honest, trustworthy, respectful, and ethical in my actions.
• I am accountable for my actions, successes, and failures.

• I believe that progress depends on continually adapting and improving all aspects of my business.
• I actively work to provide innovative solutions for my clients.
• I add value through collaboration and innovation in the way we invest and conduct research.
• I am flexible and work with my clients to meet their individual needs.

• I believe the fact that I am independent and conflict free is integral in ensuring I deliver what is best for the client.
• I encourage independence in thoughts and actions.

Areas of Focus

  • Aged care
  • Cashflow management
  • Estate planning
  • Government assistance
  • Investments
  • Life/personal insurances
  • Retirement
  • Superannuation
  • Wealth management
  • Years of Experience
    Years of Experience 20 Years
  • Licensed By
    Licensed By Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd