
About Me

We founded Bennett Wealth Group with the mission of changing lives through sound advice. Now I'm proud to be one of a dynamic team of partners who help families get financially organized and build wealth to do just that.

The families introduced to us are typically time poor and have complexity in their life, so we work closely with them to ensure they are clear on what’s important for their future and able to focus on what they enjoy the most.

Our clients end up surrounded by a best of breed team who work in a coordinated fashion to deliver value. Typically this includes the right accountants, lawyers, bankers, investment managers, coaches, brokers, and other professionals. Where needed we pull this together into a formal ‘family board’ to ensure the family is correctly resourced and protected so they take full advantage of the opportunities available to them long term. We become the ‘Family CFO’ and ‘Chief Coach’, and our team becomes the ‘Family Office’. We then continue to ensure the strategy is right as life changes and ensure everyone is playing their part.

Initially we clarify the main issues, goals and objectives, we then formulate the strategy and finally we coordinate the execution of that strategy. Our formal training is in financial strategies, tax, and investing, however our passion is in people living their best lives.

The job well done has our clients feeling proud, focused, unburdened, and more excited about the future.

Areas of Focus

  • Aged care
  • Cashflow management
  • Employment changes
  • Estate planning
  • Investments
  • Life/personal insurances
  • Retirement
  • SME advice
  • Superannuation
  • Wealth management
  • Years of Experience
    Years of Experience 21 Years
  • Licensed By
    Licensed By Bennett Financial Services Pty Ltd